Let’s have a catch up

Hi everyone! We’ve been a little bit quiet on the updates lately here at Ultimate Kids as we’ve been extremely busy – and maybe that’s even an understatement! But we’re here, with our first blog of July’24 to catch you up on everythingggg that we’ve been up to as of lately. It’s a long one so get comfy.

🤝Recruited 4 new Sports Coaches.

First and foremost, we are over the moon to have brought on 4 new sports coaches who will be in your local schools, nurseries and Ultimate Kids Camps over Sefton and Knowsley. So if you spot Will, Alice, Fergal or Maisy any time soon, make sure to give them a big welcome! 

🎥Filmed a full school content day at St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School with Phoebe Irving 

Ahh this is an exciting one! A couple of weeks ago, we planned an amazing project to get all new images and videos for our brand new website (hold your horses, we’ll come to this point in a moment) and it was such a success. From directing a school session, nursery session and staging a whole camp day all in around 5 hours, we were on cloud 9 at the end of the day, even if we did get soaked in an unexpected downpour! We want to say a massive thank you to St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School for letting us host our contend day here with the staff and children – you were all fantastic. Also another thank you to Phoebe, our videographer and photographer for the day – the content turned out just how we envisioned, we are so pleased!

🖍️We have rebranded Ultimate Kids completely.

Now this has been a JOURNEY! Over the past few months we have been working with the wonderful Blaze Media, a local Liverpool business, to completely transform the look of Ultimate Kids. From endless meetings, back and forth brainstorms and Blaze having the patience of a saint, we’ve finally launched our new branding. New colours, new logo, new website, you name it! And we LOVE IT all! Let us know what you think of the new look, we’d love to hear your thoughts. 

💰Secured funding for 3,360 camp spaces for Summer 2024 from Sefton Council 

We are so pleased to announce that we have secured our biggest amount of HAF funding to date, with 3,360 free spaces for families on benefit related free school meals to attend our Ultimate Kids Camps. We can’t wait to continue growing our Camps and watching even more of you join us this Summer. 

🏃‍➡️Delivered multiple Bespoke Sport Day packages to schools across Sefton & Liverpool councils.

It’s that time of year again where we’re super busy delivering our school and nursery sessions and prepping for our Summer Camps, but on top of that, we’ve also been delivering some very fun sports days for schools around Sefton and Liverpool. Lucy and Liam have been planning and organising these for weeks and to finally watch them come into fruition has been nothing but a feel good feeling. Thank you to all the lovely feedback from the schools, the children and the parents, we appreciate it massively! We might start the planning for 2025’s sports days now we’re that excited for more hahahaha.

🎪We took delivery of our latest asset… a 75ft Inflatable Obstacle Course.

The famous obstacle course – if you don’t know what we’re on about (I don’t know how, because you quite literally can’t miss it), head over to our social media to see the craziness we’ve had with this so far. It’s massive, it’s blue and it’s so much fun! We’re so excited to continue to use this throughout the Summer on all of our Camps, you should defiantly come down to have a go – I don’t know who’s more excited about it, the kids or us staff!

📝Secured more School deals for September including bigger bespoke packages for some of our current partners.

I won’t give too much away right now, but we are delighted to be taking on some new school deals for the upcoming academic year. We’d also like to take this time to thank all of the partners we’ve worked with this school year, your support never goes a miss and we look forward to growing with you as we enter the next school year. 

I think that’s pretty much everything we have to update you on for now, but make sure to be following our social media for alllll of the behind the scene updates and funny moments at Ultimate Kids HQ (@ultimatekidsltd). We’ve got a pretty busy week next week with a tour of our recourse manufacture’s factory and also a trip to Formby Festival where we’ve got something BIG planned for you all. So I’m sure they’ll be lots more updates to come after that. But for now, I hope you’re all feeling up to date with what’s going on here at Ultimate Kids and I’m sure you’ll be hearing from us soon!



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