Going Paperless

Hi everyone, Chris here.

I wanted to write this blog myself as I think it is important that we stay in touch as much as possible.

With that said, here at Ultimate Kids we have made a big decision to go paperless.

There are a number of reasons why we have made this decision, first and foremost, we only operate a small office space and storing resources has become a problem over the last 12 months with mountains of leaflets and certificates stacked and crammed in every available space.

Next up, we have been analysing our booking patterns on our Ultimate Kids Camps and have noticed that parents are now booking individual days a lot more than full weeks which means that their children may not receive a certificate as we used to hand them out on the last day. Now, you will receive a downloadable certificate once the camp week is over for you to print off and display at home so that EVERY child who attends will receive one, as well, it stops them getting lost on the way home! This will take effect immediately.

Our Ultimate Kids Camp leaflets have been a staple in our marketing campaigns since we originally started them way back in 2017. Although, with schools pushing to go paperless and the costs of print and distribution multiplying by almost 3 times in the last 6 months we will now be fading them out over the next academic year. I urge you to enter your email address here so that you can receive our digital leaflets moving forward.

We have also decided to commit to a paperless office space meaning we have the lovely job of scanning thousands of files and uploading them, renaming them and categorising them.. I’m sure with a bit of good music to sing along to it may only take us a month or two hahaha.

Finally, as you will have now seen, Ultimate Kids has had a much needed and fantastic face lift with the extensive work for our Marketing & Creative Manager Emily who partnered with Blaze Media to get this sorted… and what a job they have done! With this change, we have decided to improve and update all of the services within our organisation and going paperless will help us support this growth as well as the planet. 

I am an advocate for nature and wildlife and believe the connection between humans and the outdoors should be cherished and nurtured as we do for our own children.

I thank you for your understanding as we transition to a paperless environment and business.

Take care,


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