A Summer Of Fun

Before the new school year gets into full swing, it’s time for us at Ultimate Kids to reflect on
our last 6 weeks of camps. Our camps have been bursting with energy, excitement, and
enthusiasm, and it’s all thanks to the hundreds of kids who joined us for a summer full of
sports and fun.
Before the summer even began, at Ultimate Kids we were busy preparing with our camp Staff
Training where we welcomed 10 new camp coaches for a day of theory and practical sessions
fuelled by a lovely lunch spread. It was great to get everyone together before camps kicked
off and welcome them to Ultimate Kids.

From the first day on camp, we welcomed both familiar and new faces to our 6 venues, with
everyone taking part in a range of new, and classic, camp activities.
Highlights of the Summer:
Kinball: Our children mastered the art of teamwork and strategy in this unique sport,
which challenges players to keep a giant ball in the air while coordinating with their
Dodgeball: The classic favourite never fails to excite. Watching kids strategise,
dodge, and throw with enthusiasm was a highlight of our camp days.
Mario Kart Racing: Combining physical activity with a touch of video game magic,
our Mario Kart sessions had kids racing around dodging blue shells and banana peels.
We also had a range of other sports and activities that allowed each child to explore their
interests and talents. From football to golf, ultimate frisbee to relay races, there was
something for everyone.

A Heartfelt Thank You:
None of this would have been possible without the dedication and hard work of our
exceptional coaches. Your commitment to nurturing each child’s abilities, encouraging
teamwork, and fostering a love for sports made all the difference. Your energy and passion
have truly shaped this summer.
To all the parents and guardians who entrusted us with their children’s summer, we are as
always, grateful for your support.
Thank you once again to everyone who participated, supported, and contributed to making
this summer so special. See you soon!


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